Workshop catalog

Based on our extensive knowledge and years of experience working with various teams and organizations, we have developed a catalog of workshops that address the key challenges companies and teams face in today’s dynamic environment.

We are recognized and certified experts in live and online workshop facilitation. As a company, we have been acknowledged as “Miro Experts,” and our lead facilitator, Nina Pozderec, is among the globally recognized Miro MVPs – a community of top Miro facilitators worldwide. Our workshops have been repeatedly ranked among Miro’s top 100 workshops of the year and nominated for best workshop awards, with Nina being honored as the “Best Contributor” of 2023 in Miro Hall of Fame.

We incorporate Design Thinking and Future(s) Thinking principles into all our workshops. We also design them to minimize participants’ unconscious cognitive biases and reduce group social influence, leading to more creative and effective solutions.

We offer personalized workshops where we help you define your goals, so that we can design and fully tailor the session to your needs, as well as pre-designed workshops that can be customized to a certain extent.

Unique Workshops for Your Challenges

Do any of the following challenges sound familiar?

Our workshops can help you tackle these challenges, saving you time that would otherwise be spent in endless, unproductive meetings that often end without decisions or alignment.

Whether it’s optimizing internal processes, enhancing team collaboration, adapting to rapid market changes, or developing new strategies, we’ll create a workshop tailored to your specific needs.

Reach out to us, and together we will design a custom workshop that helps your business overcome challenges, accelerate innovation, and achieve sustainable success.

We’ve designed workshops for focus groups in marketing, digital product development, company rebranding, strategic vision development, and public engagement in shaping new legislation.

“Off the shelf” workshops

Our “Off the shelf” workshops are built on the core competencies and building blocks of highly effective teams. These workshops will equip your teams with essential knowledge and guide them towards realizing their full potential. Designed for practical application, our programs enable quick adaptation and immediate implementation of learned skills. We have divided them into five thematic sections: the future of work, team dynamics, the secrets of effective communication, facilitation, and strategic workshops.

1. Agile 101

Agile is a well-known term in the information technology industry. In our workshop on basic agile techniques, we will explore the fundamental principles of agile methodologies. Through collaboration and practical exercises, we will discover how iterative development, regular feedback, and teamwork can improve project management efficiency. The workshop will cover basic agile techniques such as Scrum, Definition of Done, User Story, and tools like KanBan, Retrospectives, and more. This workshop will equip you with knowledge on how to easily and effectively introduce agile practices into your projects, thereby increasing productivity and adaptability.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

2. Progressive Organisations & New Ways of Working

Globalization, artificial intelligence, and the digital revolution have made the need for constant adaptation and change greater than ever. However, many organizations face difficulties in adapting to the new environment as bureaucracy and system complexity slow them down. Yet, some organizations successfully overcome these challenges. In this workshop, we will learn about the characteristics and examples of progressive organizations, the fundamental building blocks of these organizations and highly effective teams, and design »mini experiments« to plan strategies for implementing chosen techniques in practice.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

3. Organization and Systems in Progressive Organizations

Most organizations still operate on principles developed over 100 years ago, when Frederick Taylor and his associates designed processes that led to the second industrial revolution. While these systems guaranteed success, quality, and growth a century ago, today they often result in slowness, bureaucracy, and complexity in cross-departmental coordination. However, some organizations have found ways to overcome these issues, and this workshop will focus on establishing a customer centric organization. By the end of the workshop, you will gain insight into how a vertical in your organization would look and function if it were designed to be customer-centric.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

4. Psychology of Change & Mistakes in Implementing It

The general belief is that people dislike change and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. The truth is quite the opposite – people are actually »addicted to change,« but they will change only when they believe the change is worth it. In this workshop, we will learn about the change process, the 5 inhibitors of change, and the common mistakes leaders make when implementing it. We will also learn how to introduce change in a way that motivates employees and how to limit inhibitors.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

5. Are You Ready for Gen Z?

You have probably heard a lot about the newest generation gradually entering the workforce. A generation that spends their afternoons on TikTok and disregards established processes and rules. But what of this is true, and what is just a stereotype? What are Gen Z-ers really like? In this workshop, we will learn about the circumstances in which Gen Z grew up, their characteristics, desires, what they expect from employers, organizational culture, and the working environment. We will also explore techniques that help companies increase engagement and inclusion of Gen Z members. Your ideas will be developed into actionable plans that you can start implementing the next day.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

1. Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is crucial for fostering successful working environments and strong interpersonal relationships. It helps create an environment where individuals can be vulnerable and make mistakes without the fear of punishment. In such an environment, people feel accepted and valued, which, in turn, encourages innovation, learning, and team success. In this workshop, we will explore the characteristics of effective teams, the neurological basis of psychological safety, and the importance of trust, autonomy, and accountability. We will also discuss actions we can take to establish and maintain psychological safety within the team, as well as the role of leaders in this process.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

2. Team Contract

A team contract acts as a compass, guiding the team in their joint cooperation and ensuring efficient work. In this workshop, the team will establish rules and boundaries for their teamwork, aligning expectations in areas such as communication, feedback, conflict resolution, meetings conduct, responsibilities, and collaboration rules. This session will promote better understanding among team members, consensus on rules, and ultimately enhance collaboration, communication, and interpersonal relationships.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

3. Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Team dynamics and collaboration are crucial for the success of highly effective teams. Therefore, understanding and overcoming obstacles that can hinder teamwork is essential for improving efficiency and achieving goals. In this workshop, we will explore the common barriers to team success as described by Patrick Lencioni. In a relaxed and interactive manner, we will examine how issues such as lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results can impact team performance. Participants will assess their team’s current functioning and develop an action plan to identify and eliminate these dysfunctions.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

4. The Power of Words: Secrets of Highly Effective Teams

Your colleague has been promising you for four consecutive days that they will send you the data you urgently need for your monthly report by the end of the day. The client is impatient, and you have exhausted all your excuses for the delayed report. This frustrates you because this is not an isolated incident. Every time you collaborate with them, problems arise. Despite addressing the matter several times, conversations end with the same unfulfilled promises. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Are you wondering what steps you can take to initiate change? In the first part of the workshop, we will focus on feedback. We will learn techniques for giving and receiving feedback and practice them in role-playing exercises. In the next section, we will touch on conflicts. We will learn what really happens during a conflict, which topic to address, and how to create a safe environment for discussing problems. In the third part, we will explore the characteristics of highly effective teams, learn about the model of the five dysfunctions of a team by P. Lencioni, and conclude the workshop with a trust-building exercise.

6 + 4

Duration in hours - 2 day workshop

Online or in person



Max participants

1. The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback

Feedback is one of the main sources of information that helps us learn and develop our skills. However, most people struggle with giving feedback, so they often avoid it to prevent hurting someone’s feelings. In the workshop, we will learn why cultivating a feedback culture is essential for every company, and the difference between »feedback« and »feedsmack.« Participants will learn various techniques for giving and receiving feedback and practice them through role-playing exercises.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

2. Conflict as a Tool

In our society, there is a prevailing belief that conflicts are negative, so we often avoid them. While it’s true that improperly addressed and unresolved conflicts lead to lower productivity, poor atmosphere, and limited communication, it’s important to emphasize that properly resolved conflicts bring numerous benefits to individuals and the entire team. It turns out that conflicts are very common in high-performing and creative teams, contributing to greater innovation, success, trust, and closer relationships. In the workshop, we will learn what really happens during a conflict, the most common reactions to conflicts, and how we can use conflicts as our tool. Participants will also practice techniques through role-playing exercises.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

3. Leadership Skills as a Tool for Everyone

Being a manager or leader today is certainly not easy. The expectations of employees and superiors are immense, and the scope of leadership responsibilities continues to expand daily. Managers are expected to excel in all areas without exception. Leadership skills are extremely important, and companies are well aware of this, at least according to the data. In 2020, organizations spent over $100 billion on leadership skills training. Consequently, there are many such training programs on the market. Interestingly, many of them predominantly focus on soft skills, such as active listening, giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution, etc. This begs the question: why are these skills reserved only for managers and leaders? Aren’t they crucial for all employees? In our workshop, we will explore techniques such as active listening, giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution, and more. Participants will gain insight into the importance of these skills and practice them through role-playing exercises. By the end of the workshop, they will develop a plan for implementing these learned skills into their everyday work.


Duration in hours

In person



Max participants

1. How to Make Meetings More Effective?

Meetings are an unavoidable aspect of the business world, essential for coordination, planning, gaining broader contexts, and ultimately, decision-making. They should also foster relationships, connect teams, and improve communication and collaboration. However, it turns out that at least one-third of all meetings are completely ineffective, often straying from the topic and goals, resulting in a lack of necessary decisions. Additionally, not all attendees have equal opportunities for active participation, which can often lead to the dominance of ideas from the loudest or highest-paid individuals rather than the best ideas. In this interactive workshop, you will learn strategies to enhance meeting effectiveness, how to ensure ideas are evaluated based on their quality rather than the presenter, and how to improve overall meeting structure to facilitate better decision-making.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

2. Miro Basics

Miro is one of the most popular online collaboration tools, perfect for running interactive workshops, designing organizational charts, mapping, diagramming, wireframing, and more. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of Miro, exploring its key features and collaborative tools that help foster better idea generation. Participants will gain hands-on experience with various functionalities and design a board for their first mini workshop in MIro. By the end, attendees will be able to independently set up and use Miro boards for their team’s everyday activities.


Duration in hours




Max participants

3. Mastering Workshop Design with Miro

Effective workshop design is built on key principles and strategies that drive successful outcomes. In this session, we will explore the core building blocks of workshop design, from setting clear expectations and icebreakers to implementing dynamic, interactive techniques for idea generation and decision-making. Participants will discover how to use Miro for various workshop formats, including brainstorming sessions, retrospectives, and strategic planning. With practical examples and step-by-step guidance, participants will gain the skills and confidence to design and lead impactful workshops with ease.


Duration in hours




Max participants

4. Online Facilitation Techniques

Remote work, hybrid work, digital nomads… All these changes have created a need for collaboration in an online environment, which has its own rules and differs from in-person office collaboration. In our workshop, we will explore online collaboration tools such as Miro, and various techniques for effectively leading online workshops, meetings, or any other gatherings needed for the normal functioning of a company when employees are not fully physically present at the workplace. Participants will learn the key functionalities of Miro, along with principles and techniques for conducting online workshops, which they can immediately implement to improve collaboration with colleagues working remotely.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants

1. Strategy sprint

The Strategy Sprint is a strategic workshop designed for company leadership. Using a structured approach and design thinking, we will create a strategy for the company over a defined period of time. The selected strategic directions will then be transformed into initial strategic and measurable goals. Subsequently, these ideas will be developed into concrete prototypes, such as strategic plans or action steps. The final result of the workshop will be a clear vision, defined strategic goals, and the first potential projects that will guide the company towards achieving the set objectives.


Duration in hours / 2 or 3 day workshop

Online or in person



Max participants

2. Futures Thinking

When thinking about the future, we often imagine only one possible outcome. However, in reality, there are multiple possible futures, and we certainly have the power to influence them starting today. In this workshop, we will use the Futures Thinking method to analyze and categorize various signals and trends that indicate different futures. Based on the analysis of these signals and trends, we will develop different plausible and optimistic scenarios, evaluating them based on our desires, goals, and the likelihood of their realization. For the selected scenario, we will then conduct »backcasting« – we will identify the steps that can lead us to the realization of the scenario, the main critical points and how to prevent them, and concretize the first steps to make our desired future a present reality.


Duration in hours

Online or in person



Max participants


The final price for the preparation and execution of the workshops depends on the number of participants, the method of delivery, and any potential adjustments to the content as requested by the client. The workshop prices range within the following frameworks:

The future of work

  • Agile 101 3.500 - 4.000 €
  • Progressive Organisations and New Ways of Working 4.000 - 5.000 €
  • Organization and Systems in Advanced Organizations 2.500 - 3.000 €
  • Psychology of Change and Mistakes in Implementation 1.500 - 2.000 €
  • Are You Ready for Gen Z? 1.500 - 2.000 €

Team Dynamics

  • Psychological Safety 2.000 - 2.500 €
  • Team Conflict 1.500 - 2.000 €
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team 2.000 - 2.500 €
  • The Power of Words: Secrets of Highly Effective Teams 5.000 - 5.500 €

Secrets of Effective Communication

  • The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback 2.000 - 2.500 €
  • Conflict as a Tool 2.000 - 2.500 €
  • Leadership Skills as a Tool for Everyone 2.000 - 2.500 €


  • How to Conduct More Effective Meetings 1.500 - 2.000 €
  • Online Facilitation Techniques 2.000 - 2.500 €

Strategic Workshops

  • Strategy Sprint 4.500 - 5.500 €
  • Futures Thinking 4.500 - 5.500 €

Price includes:
• Participants onboarding based on the format.
• Facilitation of the workshop with two expert facilitators.
• Virtual or physical materials for workshop execution (Miro board, post-it notes, magic paper, etc.).
• Report on the course and outcome of the workshop.
• If needed: Recommendations for further team development based on workshop results.

Prices are in EUR, do not include VAT and travel expenses.

Now tells us a little bit about yourself

Get in Touch

Nina Pozderec

[email protected]
+386 40 312 483

Jaka Kladnik

[email protected]
+386 41 200 003

Tia Jakopič

[email protected]
+386 40 732 808