From old-school structures to modern ways of working

Equipped with modern tools, we lead companies from traditional thinking and working to a more progressive way. Together, we shape the culture and help you build better conditions in the working environment for everyone.

What we do

Enabling Organisations Through Three Core Pillars

Switch to Eleven team is dedicated to revolutionising organisational dynamics through three key pillars: Self-Management, Workshops, and Continuous Improvement.


Unlocking Potential Through Autonomy and Accountability

At the heart of our approach is the principle of self-management. By giving people and teams the tools to take ownership of their work, we promote an environment that values autonomy, accountability, and intrinsic motivation. We help your employees tap into their full potential by removing traditional hierarchies and emphasising roles over titles, allowing them to make choices and drive activities with a feeling of ownership.


Collaboration Redefined Through Engagement

We transform boring meetings into engaging workshops that foster collaboration and manage social influences and biases. Whether it’s business model canvassing, design and strategy sprints, agile techniques, or team dynamics, our workshops offer the frameworks and tools to improve collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving. Experience the transformation of routine meetings into interactive sessions that move your organisation forward.

Continuous Improvement

Adapting and Thriving in a Dynamic Environment

In the rapidly changing business world, continuous improvement is not only an objective, but a necessity. We guide organisations in developing a continuous improvement mindset. We foster a culture of constant learning through agile principles, where every obstacle becomes an opportunity for growth. We enable adaptability to become your competitive advantage.

Why Choose our Switch to Eleven team?

  • Ecosystem Approach: We view organisations as ecosystems of roles and competences and understand the synergies between multiple effects & changes.
  • Proven Results: Experience tangible improvements in teamwork, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.
  • Tailored Solutions: We understand that every organisation is unique. Our strategies are customised to fit your specific needs and goals.
  • Future-Ready: Stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world by embracing self-management, interactive workshops, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

How we do it

Exploring phase

Reimagining phase

Evolving phase

Our advisory board of progressive organisation experts



Transformation architect and 
co-creator of Teal Around The World

Helping great leaders implement beyond BS Transformation through Agility and Teal


Erik Korsvik Østergaard

Leadership advisor and 
management consultant

Exploring and evaluating the possible Futures of Work



Transformation and 
turnaround executive

Helping people find agile and harmonious ways of relating to others in organisations